Thoughts on business intelligence and customer relationship management as customer analytics need process based support for meaningful analysis.
zondag 31 december 2017
zondag 24 december 2017
Getting practical: How Analytics Can Drive the Information Architecture Development
Does the theory presented in the previous article work in practice? That is the theme of this post where I present an (anonymous) case from a project I did for a customer.
But before I proceed, a quick reminder from my book “Business Analysis for Business Intelligence”.
What every organisation needs to know boils down to four C’s. It is information about the customer, the cost, the competition and the competences of the organisation, the latter also represented by a higher level of abstraction: the capabilities.
The illustration below shows how these four C’s are the foundation of a balanced scorecard. But a balanced scorecard measures only the intended –or planned- strategy, not the emergent strategies. Therefore, this 4 C framework has a much broader scope and includes decision support for emergent strategies.
To develop a shared knowledge of the customer, this organisation needed to embed a business rule in the data namely that contacts are associated with an account. This, because the organisation is an exclusive business-to-business marketing machine selling to large corporations. A contact without this association was registered and kept in a staging area, waiting to be associated with an account. In other words: only contacts related to an organisation were of use to the business. At least, in the present context.
Today, this rule is cast in stone in a
monolithic CRM application but the CIO wishes to migrate to a service factory
in the near future. This way, when the business rule would change or when the
company would move to a B2C market, the CRM processes would be easier to adapt
to the new situation. A transition plan for all customer data needs to be
Lingua Franca used the following phased
- · Mapping the customer data in a data portfolio
- · Study the ASIS
- · Link capabilities to analytics
- · Map the capabilities on the data portfolio
- · Define the information landscape
- · Make the mapping analytics – transactional data
- · Define the services
- · Decide on the physical architecture
Mapping the customer data in a data portfolio
A lot of customer data is of strategic value and a lot isn’t. That led us to use a modified version of McFarlan’s portfolio approach to information systems which can just as well be applied to data.
Variant on: McFarlan, F. W. (1981). "Portfolio approach to information systems.
"Harvard Business Review (September–October 1981): 142-150
The analytics version of this schema translates the four quadrants into workable definitions:
Strategic Data: critical to future strategy development: both forming and executing strategy are supported by the data, as well as emergent strategies where data might be captured outside the exiting process support systems. The reason is clear: process support or transaction support systems are designed and tuned for the intended strategy.
Turnaround Data: critical to future business success as today’s operations are not supported, new operations will be needed to execute. These data are often not even in scope of the emergent strategy processes. They may be hidden in a competitor’s research, in technological breakthroughs, in new government regulations or in consumer outcries against abuse to name a few sources.
Support Data: Valuable but not critical to success
Factory Data: critical to existing business operations: the classical reports, dashboards and scorecards
In this case, the association between account and contact was considered factory data as it describes the way the company is doing business today
As the illustration below in the Archimate model shows, there is a cascading flow of business drivers and stakeholders that influence the business goals which in their turn impact the requirements that are realised by business processes. These are supported by legacy systems and new software packages or bespoke applications. The result of this approach is a dispersed view on the data that are used and produced in these applications. What if not processes but data would be at the base of the requirements? Would this change the organisation’s agility? Would it enhance responsiveness to external influence? That was the exercise we were preparing for.
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Data dispersion in a classical IT landscape |
Study the ASIS
Today, the business process of account and contact registrations is as follows:
The present CRM monolith supports this process but future developments like the takeover of a more consumer oriented business may change the business model and the business process drastically. Thus, the self-service registration process should make the link between contact and account optional and the validation process should only deal with harmonising data to make sure the geographical information is correct and contact data are uniform as far as (internal) naming conventions and (external) reference data are concerned. It is already a great step forward that the company uses a master data management system to separate data management from process management. This enables a smoother transition to the new information architecture development method.
Link capabilities to analytics
Therefore an extensive inventory of all potentially needed business capabilities is undertaken and linked to the relevant business questions supporting these capabilities.
In this example we present a few of these present and future business questions:
What is the proportion of contacts from our B2B customers that may be interested in our consumer business?
Which accounts may experience a potential threat from our new consumer business unit?
Which contacts from the B2C may become interested in our B2B offerings?
Which products from the B2C unit may prove sellable via the B2B channels?
By listing all the relevant present and future business questions, it becomes clear that the account validation process as it is defined today may need to change and what is considered factory data today may get an “upgrade” to strategic and turnaround data to deal with the challenges.
Map the capabilities on the data portfolio
In this diagram, the entire data landscape of the account – contact association is charted and managed via five methods.
Operational business metadata describe the context in which data is created, updated and deleted as well as the context in which it is used. A minimum deliverable is instructions and training for the people who perform the CRUD operations.Process metadata relates the business process (present and future) to the business context to provide the process stakeholders with information and motivation: the what, why, when and who of the process and the data captured.Business Intelligence metadata describes the decision support possibilities in the present and future clients: dashboards, reports, cubes, data sets for further examination,…Process alignment: it describes what is often a mutual adjustment between a monolithic application and the business process it supports. Some market leaders in OLTP software present their process flows as best practice. As if all businesses should converge in their way of doing business…ETL Architecture documents the lineage from source to target, the transformations, quality measures, as well as the technical aspects of the process i.e. parallel or sequential loading, dropping of indexes and rebuilding them, hashing, etc… Define the information landscape
Even in this simple customer – account relationship some thinking needs to be done about a holistic view on the essential elements defining the relationship. By “essential” I mean the minimum attributes and levels of detail that need to be shared outside the context of CRM to be used in other business functions like HR, operations, finance,…
Here are a few of the considerations to be made:
How long is a customer considered as such? If the average buying frequency of your product is twice a year, for how many years do you keep the relationship active if for three years no order has come in? How do we compare the account performance in case of mergers? Does an account always need a DUNS number? Or a VAT registration? What about informal groups regularly doing group purchases? Discussing these and many other issues lays the foundation for a data governance process.
Make the mapping analytics – transactional data
This phase is crucial for the quality of your decision support system and is very much like the business analysis process for analytics. Start with high level concepts and descend to the lowest grain of attributes and transaction records as well as external sources like social media, open data and market research data.For instance: “customer loyalty” is expressed as “a constantly high share of wallet over an average historic period of time of three years and a projected future loyalty period of another three years”.
Can you imagine the data needed to make this definition work?
The exercise at this customer’s site produced 87 different data types coming from the ERP and CRM systems as well as external data like Net Promotor Scores, contact centre chat data, e-mails and response to LinkedIn posts. It sparked new ways of customer interaction procedures: new sales and order processing methods as well as new aftersales initiatives, the organisation would never have come up with if it hadn’t done this exercise.
Define the services
To move from the monolithically based approach to a more micro service oriented architecture, we needed to decompose the monolith into distinctive reusable services and data components. This approach forces a strict quality management for the data in scope as errors or poor quality will reflect on an enterprise scale. On the other hand, this “do it right the first time” principle avoids replication of work and improves the quality of decision making drastically.The schema below needs some explanation. The intake service triggers the validation service which checks the contact and account data with reference data, Chamber of Commerce data and, when finished, triggers the registration service which in its turn triggers the master data update service. MDM contact is now a superclass of this contact and will be used enterprise wide. Four services now ensure reusability for not just the CRM application but for all other use cases in the organisation. And the data quality improves drastically as the “do-it-right-the-first-time” principle is easier to fund for enterprise wide data.
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Data landscape for a CRM and customer MDM application |
Decide on the physical architecture
The classical approach using at least two environments is becoming obsolete for organisations that want to stay ahead of the competition. The separation between transaction processing and analytical processing will go out the window in the next few years. Not only because of the costly maintenance of Extract Transform and Load (ETL) processes between the transaction systems and the data warehouse but first and foremost because of the lack of integration with unstructured data that are in Hadoop Distributed File Sets (HDFS) or streaming data that are caught in Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD)
The organisation needs a significant leap forward and is now examining the Vector in Hadoop solution, a database that combines the classic SQL environment with NoSQL. The reasons are supported by objective facts: a rapidly scalable full ACID SQL database based on HDFS. It supports modify, insert and updates using a patented technology developed at the University of Amsterdam: the Positional Delta Trees (PDT). More on this in their paper which is published here. The short version of PDT: a separation between the write and read store where updates are merged into the write store at run time using the row index for a correct positioning of the modify/insert or update. The result? Online updates without impacting the read performance. Since the database can also access Spark’s parallel processing capability combining Spark RDD architecture accessed from the SQL perspective so that queries that were previously impossible to consider, this system combines the very best of three worlds: ACID based transaction support, complex event processing and HDFS support for unstructured data analytics with a flexible approach to changing data influx –provided you do your homework and define the column families in the broadest possible sense to fit your analytical needs.
Data loading – if that is the purpose - can be achieved at a rate of around 4TB per hour comprising four billion ‘120 column’ tuples per hour on a 10 node Hadoop cluster – or around 500 billion columns per hour in total! (many caveats apply but it is still a remarkable performance.
The advantage of this architecture will be exploited to the maximum if the data architecture is connecting transaction data, which are by definition microscopic and consistent, to analytical concepts which are macroscopic, flexible and fuzzy. So here is –finally!- my sales pitch: do your proper business analysis for analytics well. Because the cost of preparing for a well thought through system is a fraction of the license-, hardware- and maintenance cost.
Epilogue: an initial approach
A first attempt to map the various data ingestions to Vector H and the consumers of the data was made as illustrated below. This has a few consequences we will discuss in the next few paragraphs.
A more in depth example of Vector H’s power
One aspect will be along the Spark line – the ease of facilitating combined queries that incorporate data that is held in Hadoop with managed structured data in a way that standard BI tools simply query the database in the same way that they do a standard SQL database. I.e. the user does not need to use ETL or ELT separately from the actual BI query for ad-hoc queries once they have defined the external table as referencing the Hadoop data. It is hard to define the simplification this brings. In its simple form – it’s like the data really is inside the Vector database. This brings the advantage that current solutions – including off the peg turnkey applications can access this data.
This example shows the declaration made by the DBA, once this is done, the end users’ business layer will simply see ‘tweets’ as a table that can be joined to actual tables
(username VARCHAR(20),
tweet VARCHAR(100),
timestamp VARCHAR(50))
WITH REFERENCE='hdfs://blue/tmp/twitter.avro',
This command will select tweets that are made which are from customers only, those from non-customers will be ignored:
SELECT tw.username , cust.firstname, cust.lastname, tw.tweet
FROM tweets tw,
Customers cust
WHERE tw.username = cust.username
Similar queries can track non-customer queries.
Where possible restrictions will be pushed down to the Spark ( Map Reduce and Scala level ) in Hadoop to be answered. The data never needs to be stored. Of course some data may be required to be added to the structured data. I already applied this in a customer analysis project where I illustrated how the results from Big Data analytics can be transformed to dimensions in the “classical” data warehouse:
To conclude: will hybrid architectures make data modelling obsolete?
I can’t yet generalise this for all hybrid databases but at least from Vector H we know that there is a serious chance. It uses a partition clause that distributes data on the hash of one or more columns that have a minimum of 10X unique values evenly distributed as the number of partitions you are using.
Vector H is therefore the most model agnostic data store I know. You simply create a schema, load data and run queries. There is no need for indexing or some form of normalisation with this technology.
Whereas the need for 3NF, Data Vault or Star schemas may become less important, governing these massive amounts of data in a less organised way may become the principal issue to focus on. And metadata management may become the elephant in the room.
dinsdag 25 juli 2017
What if Analytics Drove the Information Architecture Development?
Information architecture helps people to
understand their work field, their relationships with the real world as well as
with the information systems which are supposed to reflect the real world.
Information architecture deals with
objects, their relationships, hierarchies, categories and how to store them in
and retrieve them from applications, files, websites, social media and other
sources I forget to mention…
With the massive expansion of sensor data
rebaptised “the Internet of Things”, social media and linked open data, these
semi structured and unstructured data are adding complexity to the information
On the other hand, hypercompetitive
environments force agility upon the larger corporations as the next garage
start-up may overthrow their business model and their dominance in an
incredible short time span. This agility is translated in flexible applications
with point and click business process reengineering.
So how does all this affect the information
architecture development? That is the approach to submit to your judgement in
the next paragraphs.
Analytics, the classical chain of events
In many large organisations, the process
can be described in eight separate stages:
A business question is formulated, e.g. who
are my most loyal customers from the past that may be vulnerable to competitive
The data analyst starts looking for data
that can contribute to an answer by breaking the business question into related
questions, e.g. which customers have given proof of price sensitivity? Which
customers have shown a downward trend in their net promotor score? Which
customers are reducing their purchases of consumables, Etc…
Gathering the data is the next step: in
transaction systems, market research data, social media, e-mails,…
Manipulating the data: from simple cleaning
and conforming operations to very complex pipeline processing of text and web
URLs to make the data useful for analysis
But before that, visualisation may already
provide intuitive insights: histograms, heat maps, bubble charts and the likes
may show you approaches for further analysis
Analysing the data with the possibilities
offered to analyse text, the old dichotomy between quantitative and qualitative
research has become obsolete. Modern analytics is about hop skip and jump
between the two extremes: quantitative approaches will tell you about the
proportion of clients that may look for greener pastures whereas qualitative
analytics will probe for reasons and root causes.
Interpreting the data may follow more
intuitive paths where extra information is added, opinions are collected using
the Delphi technique or other qualitative approaches to add useful meaning and
actionable insights to the analysis. E.g. developing a customer scoring model
that is broadly used and understood in the organisation.
The hardest part is the last phase:
integrate the data and the analytics in the decision making process. To
conclude with our example: developing scripts and scenarios for the call centre
agents that pop up whenever a client with a potential defection risk calls the
Architecture development, the classical chain of events
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TOGAF's Architecture Dvelopment Method |
Togaf’s architecture development method
(ADM) also follows a structured path as the illustration shows. For a detailed information on the Togaf ADM,
we refer to the Open Group website:
At the heart of Enterprise Architecture
development is the management of requirements. These requirements are
predominantly based on process support.
User stories like “As a call centre agent,
I want to see the entire customer history when call comes in in order to serve
the customer better” are process support requirements. The data are defined
within the context of the process. In this comprehensive case, some level of
enterprise class da ta is attained but
what about more microscopic user stories like “As a dunning clerk I want to see
the accounts receivable per customer sorted per days overdue”. In this case, no
context about why the customer is overdue is in scope. Maybe the delivery was
late or incorrect, maybe the customer has a complaint filed with customer
service or maybe the invoice was sent late and arrived during the client’s
holiday closing…
Yes, we have a shifting paradigm!
I know, in this business the paradigm
notion is an overrated concept, abused for pouring old wine in new bags. But in
Thomas Kuhn’s strict definition of the term, I think we do stand a chance of
dealing a with a paradigm shift in information architecture development.
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A must read for anyone in information technology |
I see critical anomalies:
inconsistent decision making depending on
the flavour of the day and the profile of the decision maker, often based on
inconsistent information which is extracted from inconsistent data. With a time
to market reducing to smaller and smaller timeframes, the old process based
architecture development method may prove to be ineffective to meet the
challenges of new entrants and substitute products and services. Although every
pundit is touting that information is the new oil, not too many companies are
using it as the basis of information architecture development.
The old top down view leads to
underperforming data retrieval which is no more sustainable in a digital
competitive environment where time to market is often equal to the time it
takes to tailor data to your needs, e.g. recommenders in e-business, cross
selling in retail, risk assessment in insurance,…
By now every organisation doing business
with or in the EU will be aware of the 25th May 2018, date when the
general data protection regulation or GDPR, comes into effect which requires:
valid and explicit consent for the use of
any data that can identify a person,
data protection by default (anonymization,
pseudonymisation and security measures for data,
data breaches communication to the
authorities and
records of processing activities.
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Data management activities needed for compiance with the new legislation |
This requires organisations to manage their
data on individuals far better and more centralised than they did in the past. Data
requirements on persons will be at the heart of the information architecture
development cycles as dealing with those on a lower level in the architecture
framework will be a sure recipe for disaster.
At least three technology evolutions enable
the data centric approach to information architecture development:
microservices, master data management tools and hybrid databases.
Microservices enable rapid scaling and
reengineering of processes. The use of consistent data throughout the
microservices architecture is a prerequisite.
Master data management tools are maturing
as each relevant player is expanding from its original competence into the two
others. You can observe data governance tools adding data quality and master
data management functionality as well as data quality tools developing master
data management and governance services and… you know where this is going.
Last but not least, hybrid databases will
enable better storage and retrieval options as they support both transactional
and analytical operations on structured and unstructured data.
In conclusion: modern information
architecture needs flexible and fluid process management support using
consistent data to facilitate consistent decision making, both by humans and
In the next post, I will use a case to
illustrate this approach. In the meantime, I look forward to your remarks and
inputs for a thorough discussion.
zaterdag 11 februari 2017
An Analytics Perspective on TOGAF 9
TOGAF is gaining traction all over the globe as a framework for enterprise architecture management. I have been using the framework since 2008 and I must admit in the beginning it was a struggle to tailor TOGAF for business intelligence purposes. Mainly because most organizations use it to manage their application landscape and plan and control application development. In their world, business intelligence (BI) is something that comes after “the real stuff” has been accomplished. Simply because in their view, BI is about collecting data from sources, massage them into a readable schema and publish reports.
After seven years of applying TOGAF in BI architectures for logistics, finance and marketing, it is time to open the debate on adapting TOGAF for analytical purposes.
With the coming of the Internet of Things and other Big Data tidal waves, enterprise architects are under great pressure to deliver meaningful roadmaps to deal with these phenomena.
I sincerely hope my readers will contribute and improve the quality of the BI deliverables from a TOGAF perspective and vice versa.
Business Intelligence is a clearly defined business capability: decision making, based on fact-based analytics to improve overall organizational performance. It interfaces on three levels: the business architecture, the data architecture and the application architecture. The technology architecture isn’t included as BI is agnostic to network and middleware protocols and processing standards.
Yet, not everybody agrees with this three-layered view. A quick search on the Web delivers a more restricted view: business and data. That’s all.
Hennie de Nooijer’s blog states the following: Where is BI positioned in TOGAF? You need to understand the business perspective (baseline and target) and you need to understand how BI could aid the target business perspective in such a way that it can benefit from BI. And BI is much about data and there the data perspective is also specific area of interest in case of BI.
BIZZdesign, a leading Archimate Enterprise Architecture provider uses DAMA’s DMBOK to connect these concepts with business capabilities. Yet a two dimensional (data-business) view like this is not taking into account how applications support the data definition, data capturing and data usage in operational environments and isn’t operational BI a discipline in itself?
Bas van Gils, from BIZZdesign states:
• Transaction systems directly supporting business processes maintain data at a low level of granularity
• Business Intelligence is a query, analysis, and reporting capability of the organization that provides insight in historical and aggregated data of the organization
• A data warehouse (EDW) is a technical environment that enables Business Intelligence
If this is the premise, then I understand why BIZZdesign reduces BI EA to a business – data aspect. But if you accept that Business Intelligence delivers drill paths to the lowest level of granularity and BI is not just about tactical and strategic decision making then the application view comes in to play. Both source and target applications complete the picture. With “source applications” the transaction systems and external data sources are described as they influence the capabilities of the BI system. I use “target applications” to describe well designed solutions derived from the BI system like fraud detection, churn management, preventive maintenance etc…
To paraphrase a well-known dictum from a Finnish architect “Always design a decision support system by considering it in its next larger context": the way we make decisions based on data, the way we gather and publish data, the way these data are created and used in transaction systems. And, to close the loop, the way we materialise aspects from our world view by defining our data requirements in operations and decision making.
The business architecture looks at the strategy, governance, organization and the key business processes. In all of these the BI aspect is omnipresent:
strategy: “What do we need to know to form, formulate and execute our strategy with a maximum level of confidence?”
governance: “What is our universe of discourse and what are the key definitions everybody needs to know to communicate effectively?”
organization: “Which functions, levels, key people need to have access to which information?”
key business processes: “What Critical Success Factors (CSF) and their related Key Performance Indicators (KPI) do we define, track and manage?”
The answers to these high level questions can be considered as the key business requirements from a business perspective.
The data architecture of the logical and physical data assets is derived from the business architecture. Conformed dimensions and facts from the ultimate target model and the lineage from source to this ultimate target model as well as the patterns for transforming the source data into the ultimate target model are managed in this domain.
Note that I introduce the term “ultimate target model” as there can be many intermediate target models along the way: from Hadoop file systems with schema on read and/or staging tables via 3NF or data vault or in a virtualized environment to end up in a Star schema which can be linked to a file system and/or a graph data is the present state of the art.
The generic Enterprise BI architecture on application level illustrates how important requirements are met:
In case unstructured data from texts and social media are used in Hadoop files systems, the (structured) results can be integrated in the enterprise data warehouse to provide extra context.
Transaction systems data may pass through a data vault as this guarantees flexibility when source systems change because of changing business processes and the ensuing requirements changes.
The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is a bottom up process based grouping of Star schemas sharing conformed dimensions. These conformed dimensions make sure everybody in the organisation has a consistent view of the facts. In case the data vault undergoes changes, the EDW needs to follow as well as the data marts. In case the data mart is process based, it is a physical part of the EDW, in case the data mart is based on business functions, it is built on top of the EDW, grouping and aggregating data from the EDW.
The application architecture in TOGAF’s definition deals with the interactions and relationships to core business processes of the organisation. It is easy to start a discussion on what is and what isn’t a core business process as this depends on the type of organisation. From a BI perspective these are the business processes that are core to any organisation:
collecting information from a business and technology perspective.
The business perspective deals of data collection deals with certain CSF and KPI that influence the reliability of the source data. E.g. a contact centre assistant whose principal KPI is average handling time will find all sorts of shortcuts to log data and will probably omit important information in his after call wrap up process as he gets a bonus when exceeding the expected number of calls per day.
From a technology perspective, the data formats, the transformation rules per source system, the audit trail and archiving prescriptions are managed in this domain. The focus is on governing data quality and data integrity and security to produce reliable information to authorised users. The objective is aimed at decision making: who decides what and needs which supporting information to make the best possible decision at reasonable cost. This aspect is often lacking in BI architectures leading to a forest of “nice to haves” where the “must haves” get lost.
The TOGAF Architecture Development Method is a phased approach to move from an “as is” to a “to be” situation. As the illustration above suggests, the business requirements are at the centre and connect to every stage in the process. But there is a snag from a BI perspective.
Most applications have been developed from a process support perspective and less from an information management perspective. Take a high level requirement like “I want to manage my inventory processes better, avoid leakage, depletion and high inventory carrying costs”. This requirement led to an nifty ERP module that has all the functionality to deliver. Later on, BI requirements are formulated to support cross functional decision making areas like “I want to optimise my service level” which includes marketing data and customer satisfaction metrics like Net Promoter Scores with comments in text form. This may lead to rework in the ERP source system as well as a complete review of how customer satisfaction data are gathered and stored. In other words, analytical requirements are an important –maybe the principal- component in requirements management for the overall architecture development method.
After seven years of applying TOGAF in BI architectures for logistics, finance and marketing, it is time to open the debate on adapting TOGAF for analytical purposes.
With the coming of the Internet of Things and other Big Data tidal waves, enterprise architects are under great pressure to deliver meaningful roadmaps to deal with these phenomena.
I sincerely hope my readers will contribute and improve the quality of the BI deliverables from a TOGAF perspective and vice versa.
TOGAF for analytics, three architecture domains
Business Intelligence is a clearly defined business capability: decision making, based on fact-based analytics to improve overall organizational performance. It interfaces on three levels: the business architecture, the data architecture and the application architecture. The technology architecture isn’t included as BI is agnostic to network and middleware protocols and processing standards.
Yet, not everybody agrees with this three-layered view. A quick search on the Web delivers a more restricted view: business and data. That’s all.
Hennie de Nooijer’s blog states the following: Where is BI positioned in TOGAF? You need to understand the business perspective (baseline and target) and you need to understand how BI could aid the target business perspective in such a way that it can benefit from BI. And BI is much about data and there the data perspective is also specific area of interest in case of BI.
BIZZdesign, a leading Archimate Enterprise Architecture provider uses DAMA’s DMBOK to connect these concepts with business capabilities. Yet a two dimensional (data-business) view like this is not taking into account how applications support the data definition, data capturing and data usage in operational environments and isn’t operational BI a discipline in itself?
Bas van Gils, from BIZZdesign states:
• Transaction systems directly supporting business processes maintain data at a low level of granularity
• Business Intelligence is a query, analysis, and reporting capability of the organization that provides insight in historical and aggregated data of the organization
• A data warehouse (EDW) is a technical environment that enables Business Intelligence
If this is the premise, then I understand why BIZZdesign reduces BI EA to a business – data aspect. But if you accept that Business Intelligence delivers drill paths to the lowest level of granularity and BI is not just about tactical and strategic decision making then the application view comes in to play. Both source and target applications complete the picture. With “source applications” the transaction systems and external data sources are described as they influence the capabilities of the BI system. I use “target applications” to describe well designed solutions derived from the BI system like fraud detection, churn management, preventive maintenance etc…
To paraphrase a well-known dictum from a Finnish architect “Always design a decision support system by considering it in its next larger context": the way we make decisions based on data, the way we gather and publish data, the way these data are created and used in transaction systems. And, to close the loop, the way we materialise aspects from our world view by defining our data requirements in operations and decision making.
The business architecture looks at the strategy, governance, organization and the key business processes. In all of these the BI aspect is omnipresent:
strategy: “What do we need to know to form, formulate and execute our strategy with a maximum level of confidence?”
governance: “What is our universe of discourse and what are the key definitions everybody needs to know to communicate effectively?”
organization: “Which functions, levels, key people need to have access to which information?”
key business processes: “What Critical Success Factors (CSF) and their related Key Performance Indicators (KPI) do we define, track and manage?”
The answers to these high level questions can be considered as the key business requirements from a business perspective.
The data architecture of the logical and physical data assets is derived from the business architecture. Conformed dimensions and facts from the ultimate target model and the lineage from source to this ultimate target model as well as the patterns for transforming the source data into the ultimate target model are managed in this domain.
Note that I introduce the term “ultimate target model” as there can be many intermediate target models along the way: from Hadoop file systems with schema on read and/or staging tables via 3NF or data vault or in a virtualized environment to end up in a Star schema which can be linked to a file system and/or a graph data is the present state of the art.
The generic Enterprise BI architecture on application level illustrates how important requirements are met:
In case unstructured data from texts and social media are used in Hadoop files systems, the (structured) results can be integrated in the enterprise data warehouse to provide extra context.
Transaction systems data may pass through a data vault as this guarantees flexibility when source systems change because of changing business processes and the ensuing requirements changes.
The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is a bottom up process based grouping of Star schemas sharing conformed dimensions. These conformed dimensions make sure everybody in the organisation has a consistent view of the facts. In case the data vault undergoes changes, the EDW needs to follow as well as the data marts. In case the data mart is process based, it is a physical part of the EDW, in case the data mart is based on business functions, it is built on top of the EDW, grouping and aggregating data from the EDW.
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A generic architecture from an analytical perspective |
The application architecture in TOGAF’s definition deals with the interactions and relationships to core business processes of the organisation. It is easy to start a discussion on what is and what isn’t a core business process as this depends on the type of organisation. From a BI perspective these are the business processes that are core to any organisation:
collecting information from a business and technology perspective.
The business perspective deals of data collection deals with certain CSF and KPI that influence the reliability of the source data. E.g. a contact centre assistant whose principal KPI is average handling time will find all sorts of shortcuts to log data and will probably omit important information in his after call wrap up process as he gets a bonus when exceeding the expected number of calls per day.
From a technology perspective, the data formats, the transformation rules per source system, the audit trail and archiving prescriptions are managed in this domain. The focus is on governing data quality and data integrity and security to produce reliable information to authorised users. The objective is aimed at decision making: who decides what and needs which supporting information to make the best possible decision at reasonable cost. This aspect is often lacking in BI architectures leading to a forest of “nice to haves” where the “must haves” get lost.
Managing the Analytics ADM
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TOGAF's architecture development method |
Most applications have been developed from a process support perspective and less from an information management perspective. Take a high level requirement like “I want to manage my inventory processes better, avoid leakage, depletion and high inventory carrying costs”. This requirement led to an nifty ERP module that has all the functionality to deliver. Later on, BI requirements are formulated to support cross functional decision making areas like “I want to optimise my service level” which includes marketing data and customer satisfaction metrics like Net Promoter Scores with comments in text form. This may lead to rework in the ERP source system as well as a complete review of how customer satisfaction data are gathered and stored. In other words, analytical requirements are an important –maybe the principal- component in requirements management for the overall architecture development method.
maandag 24 oktober 2016
Comments on a Peer Exchange on Shadow BI
October 18, I took part in a peer exchange with about 60 analytics
professionals to reflect on three questions:
- · What are the top three reasons for Shadow BI?
- · What are the top three opportunities Shadow BI may bring to the organisation?
- · What are the top three solutions for the issues it brings about?
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One of the ten peer exchange products |
The group
process produced some interesting insights as indicated in the previous post.
Some of
these remarks triggered me to elaborate a bit more on them.
Some of them download open source data science
tools like Weka and KNIME and take it a step further using fancier regression
techniques as well as machine learning and deep learning to come up with new
There we have it: the citizen data scientist. A
another big promise, launched by Gartner a couple of years ago. The suggestion
that anyone can be a data miner is simply pie in the sky. Would you like to be
treated by citizen brain surgeon? I will
not dwell on this too much but let me wrap it up with the term “spurious correlations”
and a nice pic that says it all from Tyler Vigen’s website A funny example of what happens when you mix up correlation with causation |
Other, frequently mentioned reasons were the
lack of business knowledge, changing requirements from the business and the inadequate funding clearly indicate a
troubled relationship between ICT and the business as the root cause for Shadow
I wrote “Business
Analysis for Business Intelligence” exactly for this reason. The people with
affinity for and knowledge of both the business and the IT issues in BI are a
rare breed. And even if you find that
rare species in your organisation, chances are you’re dealing with an IT
profile that has done the BI trick a few times for a specific business function
and then becomes a business analyst. And
worse, if this person come from application development, chances are high he or
she will use what I call the “waiter’s waterfall method” . The term “waiter” meaning
he or she will bring you exactly what you asked for. The term “waterfall” to describe
the linear development path and by the time the “analytical product” is
delivered, the business is already looking at new issues and complaining about
obsolete information . Some participants at the peer exchange claimed that
agile BI was the silver bullet but I beg to differ. The optimum solution is “infrastructural agility” which means two approaches. First you need complete insight in the
data structure of minimally the business function impacted and preferably on an
enterprise level. Only then can you challenge the requirements and indicate opportunities
for better decision making by adding other data feeds. In a Big Data scenario
you can add open data and other external data sources to that landscape. The
second is about analysing the decision making processes your counterpart is
involved in. The minimum scope is within his or her domain, the optimum analysis is
the interactions of his or her domain with the enterprise domains.
Shadow BI can improve efficiency in decision
making provided the data quality is fit for purpose.
This is
absolutely true: data quality in the sense of “fit for purpose” is a more agile
approach to data quality than the often used “within specs” approach in data
quality. Marketing will use a fuzzier definition of what a customer is but a
very strict definition of who he is and where he is. Logistics will not even
bother what a customer is as long as the package gets delivered on the right
spot and someone signs for the goods reception. This means that enterprise
master data strategies should manage the common denominator in data definitions
and data quality but leave enough room for specific use of subsets with
specific business and data quality rules.
This under-the-radar form of BI can also foster
innovation as users are unrestrained in discovering new patterns, relationships
and generate challenging insights.
Just as in
any innovation process, not all shadow BI products may be valuable but the
opportunity cost of a rigid, centralized BI infrastructure and process may be
an order of magnitude greater than the cost of erroneous decision support
material. On one condition: if the innovation
process is supported by A/B testing or iterative roll out of the newly inspired
decision making support. I often use the metaphor of the boat and the rocket:
if the boat leaks, we can still patch it and use a pump to keep the boat afloat
but two rubber O-rings caused the death of the Challenger crew in 1986.
"Bet your company" decisions are better not based on shadow BI. |
The group came up with both technical and predominantly
organizational and HRM solutions.
This proves
for the nth time that Business Intelligence projects and processes are of a mixed
nature between technical and psychological factors. It is no coincidence that I
use concepts from Tversky and Kahneman and other psychologists who studied
decision making in the business analysis process.
In conclusion
alignment and adopting operational systems and processes for analytical purpose
were also mentioned in the peer exchange.
Exactly these two are the root causes of poor decision making support if poorly managed.
In the next
post I will dig a bit deeper into these two major aspects. In the mean time, have a look at this sponsored message:
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The full story on strategy alignment and tuning organisations for better analytics is within reach |
woensdag 19 oktober 2016
Shadow BI: shady or open for business?
Shadow BI
is a common phenomenon in any organisation where the business has an Open or
Microsoft Office on the PC; i.e. 99.9%
of the users can mash up data in spreadsheets, perform rudimentary
descriptive and test statistics and some predictions using linear regression.
Some of them download open source data science tools like Weka and KNIME and take
it a step further using fancier regression techniques as well as machine
learning and deep learning to come up with new insights.
On October
18, BA4All’s Analytic Insight 2016 had a peer exchange with about 60 analytics
professionals to reflect on three questions:
- · What are the top three reasons for Shadow BI?
- · What are the top three opportunities Shadow BI may bring to the organisation?
- · What are the top three solutions for the issues it brings about?
The most quoted reasons for Shadow BI
Eww! IT is
taking some heavy flak from the business: “ICT lacks innovation culture”, “IT
wants to control too much!” and especially the time IT takes to deliver the
analytics was high on the list.
frequently mentioned reasons were the lack of business knowledge, changing
requirements from the business and the
inadequate funding clearly indicate a troubled relationship between ICT and the
business as the root cause for Shadow BI.
Yet, opportunities galore!
Shadow BI
can improve efficiency in decision making provided the data quality is fit for
purpose. In case of bad data quality it
may provoke some lessons learned for the business as they are the custodians of
data quality.
under-the-radar form of BI can also foster innovation as users are unrestrained
in discovering new patterns, relationships and generate challenging insights.
and provide faster response to business questions.
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A mix of tech and HR came up in the discussions |
The top 3 solutions for issues with Shadow BI
The group
came up with both technical and predominantly organizational and HRM solutions.
Here are the human factors:
- · market BI to the business and IT people,
- · governance (also a technical remedy if the tools are in place)
- · empowerment of the business
- · adopt a fail fast culture
- · knowledge sharing and documentation
- · strategy alignment
- · integrate analytical culture and competencies in the business
- · engage early in the development process
- · governance tools
- · Self-service BI and data wrangling tools
- · Sandboxes
- · Optimise applications for analytics
For a discussion on some of the arguments we
refer to our next post in a few days
maandag 27 juni 2016
Why Master Data Management is Not Just a Nice-to-have…
the ideas for a blog just land on your desk without any effort. This time, all
the effort was made by one of the world’s largest fast moving consumer goods
companies with 355.000 employees worldwide.
But this is
not a guarantee for smart process and data management as the next experience
from yours truly will illustrate.
The Anamnesis
One rainy
day, the tenth of May, I receive a mail piece with a nice promotional offer: buy a coffee machine
for one euro while you order your exquisite cups online. On rainy days you take
more time to read junk mail and sometimes you even respond to them. So I surfed
to their website and filled out the order form. After introducing the invoice
data (VAT number,invoice address,…) an interesting question popped up:
Is your delivery
address different from your invoice address?
As a matter
of fact it was, it was the holiday season and the office was closed for a week
but I was at a customer’s site and thought it would be a good idea to have it
delivered there.
So I ticked
the box and filled in the delivery address.
That’s when the horror started.
when I hit the order button, there was no feedback after saving, no chance to
check the order and wham, there came the order confirmation by e-mail.
Oops: the
delivery address and the invoice address were switched. Was this my fault or a
glitch in the web form? Who cares, best practice in e-commerce is to leave the
option for changing the order on details and even cancelling the order, right?
Wrong. There was no way of changing the order, all I could do was call the free
customer service number to hopefully make the switch undone.
10th May, Call to Consumer
Service Desk #1
“Choose 2 if this is your first order”
Me: “2”
service agent: “What is your member number?
Me: “I
don’t have member number since this is my first order. It’s about order nr
NAW19092… “
service agent: “hmmm we can’t use the order number to find your data. What is
your postcode and house number?”
Me: “This
is tricky since I want to switch delivery address with the invoice address. You
know what, I’ll give you both”.
service agent: Can’t find your order”
So, I am
completely out of the picture: not via the company, the address, the order number,
let alone a unique identifier like the VAT number
service agent: “Please send a mail to our service e-mail address “”.
Me: “Send
e-mail” Result: no receipt confirmation, no answer from this e-mail address.
Great customer experience guys!
10th May Call to Consumer Service Desk #2
service agent: “Oh Sir, you are calling the consumer line, you should dial YYY/YYYYYY
for the business customers”
Me:" But
that’s the only phone number on your website and the order confirmation???!!!"
10th May 2 PM Call to Business customer service #3
Client service agent: “Let me check
if I can find your order”… (2’ wait time) “Yes, it’s here how can I help you?”
Me: “I want to
switch the invoice with the delivery address”
Client service agent“OK Sir,
11th May: The delivery service provider sends a message the delivery is due on the original address from the order.
No switch
had been made…
Call to DPD? Too late.. these guys were too efficient...
The Diagnosis, What Else?
didn’t have a clue about the order flow and launched a promotion without an
end-to-end view on the process which resulted in a half-baked online order
process: no reviewing of the order possible, no feedback and the wrong customer
service number on the order confirmation.
elements describing CUSTOMER, ORDER and PRODUCT may or may not be conformed
(from the outside hard to validate) but they are certainly locked in functional
silos: consumers and companies.
service has no direct connection to the delivery process
shipping company (DPD) provided the best possible service under the
And this is
only a major global player! Can you
imagine how lesser Gods screw up their online experience?
Yes, it can
get worse!
One of my
clients called me in on a project that was under way and was seriously going
happened? The organisation had developed
a back office application to support a
public agenda of events. As a customer of this organisation you could contact
the front desk who would then log some data in the back office application and
wrap up the rest of the process via e-mail. Each co-worker would use his own “data
standards” in Outlook so every event had to be handled by the initial co-worker
if the organisation wanted to avoid mistakes. No wonder some event logging
processes sometimes took quite a while when the initiator was on a holiday or on
sick leave…
A few months
later -keep that in mind- the organisation decided to push the front desk work
to the web and guess what? Half the process flow and half the data couldn’t be
supported by the back office application because the business logic applied by
the front desk worker wasn’t analysed when developing the back office app.
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